Sunday, 16 November 2014

Maintaining a Steamier Side to Your Life { while under duress & oppression}



 You may not own  a castle. You may be in a rented room with just a cot. Maybe you inhabit a dilapidated squat.

Don't let  living in  mundane  surrounds be a spanner in the cogs.

You too can still  steampunk  up  your living spot.

  So one way or another you are living under someone else roof or not in your forever home.  Your co habitors are stuck in  groove and wont let you go loose.  For what ever reason you are halted from going full steam ahead.  Don't let that hold you back from  keeping   a steamier side to your life.

  Stage dressing  is by  its very nature a temporary and ephemeral thing .  It can be packed up easily and relocated  to the next venue.

Painted Ladies

  Anything can be transformed or electrified  with a paint design or effect.

   The drama of life is merely all  mirrors and lighting.

Industrial style & metal tubing furniture  creates a theme in any room.

 Bamboo & cane   suites can be  jazzed up with  chrome, gold , bronze or brass  alchemy - or spray paint .

   The appropriate accoutrement are always apropos to creating  the mood .



 drift off to sleep in the aether

 cushions, curtains, clocks, wall coverings

Make sure you have  a map to navigate your  zeppelins when hunting the  giant kraken. All the best aviators have them.

 Fancy window dressing will give a final curtain call for the  room division, with a shower of applause

Having  just the correct chronometer is precision


  Sail through your time with a vintage ships clock

 or put your life  in a box with a   alarm clock / radio


 Put it up there in neon lights

 Even the most miserly tenement slum lord  will let  one hang wall art.

If you are really  lucky  you can take liberties  and have the  full on freedom of artistic  expression with an entire wall

trompe 'l'oeil for  realistic looking  drama

 The other option  is enlarging some one else's art for a wall mural.

 There are businesses that specialise in  blowing up photos and other images for full impact.

 A genuine vintage  theatre backdrop for your main room or own private space.


Impress your guests  and  render the landlord speechless by  creating your own  theatrical  human Diorama of life.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Ultimate in Steampunk Protective Gear

 The Ultimate in Steampunk Protective  Gear

 The Domestic Apron.

{from and era when women knew their place;} 



  Aprons have been with us since the beginning of time. It may have been our 1st form of apparel. Until a few generations ago they were an everyday item worn to protect an only set of clothing.

 Smock, pinny, pinafore, overall apron; call it what you will, have been with us forever. 

 Now they are considered by many to be a novelty - but back then  patterns were passed around as a woman's social custom. Newspaper and cloth patterns of favour for functionality, practicality of purpose and ornamentation had been passed down through families and neighbourhoods and adapted over time. One apron  was often whipped off to cut a pattern from the remnants of the well worn favourite to make the next one.

  Long forgotten these garments once undermined by the mass produced market are undergoing a resurgence in popularity for  practicality and purely decoration. 

 Following are a collection of clips from magazines and papers with tips for the frugal housewife to make her own DIY  coveralls.   

Good women of the past utilised all and any cloth at hand to make  their apron. Cotton, curtains, old shirts, frocks, slacks  and sacks had their uses. There is nothing to stop one using  the same principle here for frugality.

 Big girl's or Flappers Apron


 Easy Clean Apron for the Sensible Woman

Getting Use out of an Old Garment

   this vintage child's pattern crosses over the back to button on the front.

2 Aprons from 1 Yard of Fabric

A larger apron can hide a multitude of sins...
